The Huduma Core Technology builds on top of Google Technology Stack with Flutter, CSS and HTML for... MORE
We evaluated cross platform UI frameworks building iOS and Android apps from a single codebase. Ionic, Meta's... MORE
Machine learning coupled with Firebase ML using proprietary TensorFlow models to enable pattern recognition to assess user... MORE
Identifying and describing existing human needs in specific environments by survey research is the starting point of... MORE
To auto-generate model and interface code from specific complex Interface Control Documents (ICD), we were using the... MORE
anyvex developed user interfaces in different contexts, from web apps to complex displays and panels for cockpits... MORE
Wether realtime virtual reality events, visual system development for simulators or head tracking based mixed reality solutions... MORE
Jürgen Augsbach, who founded anyvex as a small dynamic network of IT experts in industry, has been... MORE
The challenge of time-critical, safety-relevant interactions when operating machines requires analysis and consideration of Human Factors when... MORE