© i_am_zews / Shutterstock.com

© i_am_zews / Shutterstock.com

. . . Africa Is Ahead Asia and North America*
*Google chrome usage 2020 from CrUX database.
*Google chrome usage 2020 from CrUX database.
© i_am_zews / Shutterstock.com
Young Africans Are Dynamic, Internet Savvy and . . .
. . . Love Innovations
Their Lives

Huduma Is the Swahili Word for Service
Swahili language is spoken in countries of the East African Community (EAC) like Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. Huduma platform is tailored to the needs and customs of people in EAC. Request for more information about Huduma HERE
Huduma Spin‑Offs
Survey campaigns enable us to develop further online services specializing in East Africa . . .
Together With Our Masai Friends
We Start up WaMasai . . .
. . . Swahili for “The Masai”, built on a unique and exciting approach to give a digital home to the Masai community improving nowadays difficult living conditions of the Masai by organizing an important part of the East African human resources market. Request for more information about WaMasai HERE
Busy Families in Big African Cities* Need MyDada !
*New African middle class: Both parents working, long travel times to work and school due to a lack of infrastructure. Dada, the Swahili word for sister is also used for a housemaid or nanny. Request for more information about MyDada HERE
Busy Families in Big African Cities* Need MyDada !
*New African middle class: Both parents working, long travel times to work and school due to a lack of infrastructure. Dada, the Swahili word for sister is also used for a housemaid or nanny. Request for more information about MyDada HERE

© arrowsmith2 / Shutterstock.com
. . . to Sell Agricultural Products Directly !
Based on Tanzania’s initiative Kilimo Kwanza, Swahili for “Agriculture First”, aiming agriculture reform for curbing poverty, we are giving farmers their own digital market platform. Request for more information about Kilimo Kwanza HERE
Our Offer for Small-Scale Farmers to Sell Agricultural Products Directly !
Based on Tanzania’s initiative Kilimo Kwanza, Swahili for “Agriculture First”, aiming agriculture reform for curbing poverty, we are giving farmers their own digital market platform. Request for more information about Kilimo Kwanza HERE