As registered supplier of BMW Group, anyvex developed several intranet web applications of BMW Research & Engineering Center. Joint to all applications is our Java web application framework AnyFrame. As a prerequisite for migration into BMW central IT, components we supplied met all BMW requirements in terms of architecture, integrity, load behavior and security, checked as part of standardized test and acceptance workflow. NEXT
Virtual Safety XML (XViSa) is our product for management and organization of xml-based crash simulation input and evaluation data-sets in the area of driver and passenger safety, used in pre-series development. In close cooperation with departments at BMW the table-oriented application received diverse features, such as complex search, analysis, import and export of data and documents. NEXT
After roll-out of XViSa, we developed Feature Fitment List (FFT), a web application used for table-oriented administration and organization of safety components in vehicles. For smooth integration into departments existing working procedures, we added an Excel interface to import and export data. NEXT
With Connect-PDM, we provided a web-based integration platform for controlling and monitoring various PDM systems and preprocessing tools used at BMW, in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, at that time as a reference project for the Use of CORBA as middleware. NEXT